Wednesday, November 11, 2009

HP & Baldwin: This is better than tv

Today, students from Humanities Prep and James Baldwin flew to new limits on elements at the high challenge course. You can see a video of a student from Wesley's crew on the flying squirrel. There is also a video of the zip line, which is an exhilarating experience. I overheard students in Wesley's crew say that "this is better than tv." It was. Spencer and Levine provided us with ample entertainment with their antics on the Giants Ladder.

Pam's and Joe's crew donned backpacks and left for the back country. They should be cooking dinner right right now, after a stunning sunset. I was able to visit Wesley's crew last night at their campsite called Northwest Overlook. The view overlooks Mt. Beacon and the mid-Hudson valley. The drone of Route 84 and the lights of Fishkill provided a link to a human-made world that some students found comforting.

1 comment:

  1. More great photos and videos. Hope my son is taking plenty of pix to share with us.
