Monday, November 2, 2009

Kurt Hahn: Welcome to Sharpe Reservation

We would like to welcome the Kurt Hahn School for Expeditionary Learning to the Sharpe Reservation Right now, Ms. Osborne's crew is playing with our resident Siberian Husky, Willow. They have just gotten all their clothes in the dining hall. They report that they played a game, ate snacks, made lunch and are now getting ready to go to their camp. This story is true for all other crews.

Each crew is going to head out to the low challenge course on this gorgeous afternoon. It is here that they will really get to know one another and will learn how best to work together. Each crew will be presented with a problem that they must solve together. There is no right or wrong answer or solution. The most important thing is for crews to use their best communication and leadership skills.

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