Tuesday, October 27, 2009

McCown: Day 2 High Ropes & Backpacking

Despite the rain, everyone is tucked into their sleeping bags this evening after a really productive day. An early morning run was taken by Mr. Sparnroft's crew to start their day. Mr. Sprague's, Ms. Berentson's, Mr. Sparnroft's and Ms. Martinez's crews all went backpacking. I am sure they are building character at this very moment.

Mr. Orloff and Ms. Dellagrazie's crews both went to the high challenge course where they climbed in the trees and zipped down from the zip platform. Everyone was in great spirits and truly enjoying themselves.

My guest writer this evening will be Mr. Orloff
Today was a truly awesome day. We woke up early to the sound of roosters and after a healthy and nutritious breakfast began our adventure by climbing to the zip line where everyone, myself included, rode the zip line down. We then learned how to handle the belay at belay school where my crew manned the belays while the crew attempted to climb The Giant's Ladder which exemplified teamwork. Gabby Velez and Danielle Kearney were the only team to make it to the top, earning great praise from all. All in all today was a great day with a lot of fun activities, active teenagers and a lot of growth for us all.


  1. Thanks for the updates....not easy not speaking to her this whole time!!

  2. more pictures!! nice to see if you cant contact!!!!

  3. Yes please MORE pictures of all the kids , thanks.

  4. Love the pics! Keep em comming!

  5. good to see the children having fun please more pics especially of Ramel. Since we can't contact them the pics are all we have so please more pics

  6. Great pics where's Breanna

  7. Hello parents,
    Everyone is just fine at the moment and drying off from a night of rain.

    I am unable to take photos of every student, but am trying my best. This is a one person operation and that involves a lot of travel. Please be patient.

    Thank you.

  8. thank you for whatever photos you can get up. It is a little piece of our children, who we all miss this week. Keep up the good work.

  9. Thanks for the pictures, is nice to see your baby having fun. GO, Gaby, GO...

  10. Way to go Danielle! We love you and miss you. Keep up the good work. See you soon. Love Mom & Dad

  11. Guy's Mom says:

    Thanks for the pics, they look like they are surviving. Can you post pictures of the Crew's together, it would be great to see them now and watch them grow together over the next 4 years. Can you let the children know that we are all posting on the blog and perhaps let them take at look at the blog. Great job McCown Class of 2012 :) See you guys Friday. Mommy misses you Guy. xoxoxo

  12. Thanks for the pics we are on the site all the time looking for Tonianne . We miss you . You're all doing such a great job! I'm so proud of you see you soon .Love and God bless Mom and Dad

  13. Hi all, I thought I was the only sobbing parent (Mom of Caleb and Colleen)as I watched the pictures but now see that I am not alone in my tears. So happy for all the kids that are there. Keep the pictures coming. We still have two days. Love you Caleb and Colleen... Mom

  14. Arthur's Mom says....Hi Arthur we are all enjoying seeing pics of you and friends on your adventure. We all love you and miss you. Have fun !!!

  15. Jennifer(ramels mom)October 28, 2009 at 5:39 PM

    Ramel I'm glad to see you're having fun I love you and miss you.

  16. Thank You so much for taking the time to post pictures and write the blog. I hope despite the weather you guys are having a good time. Loved seeing Kerry...we love and miss her.

  17. Guy's mom says.......

    Guy your brothers and I miss you terribly but I see you're beautiful smile in that picture and it has been a long time since I have seen such a big, genuine sincere smile on you, as you can imagine, I started to cry:) Enjoy it baby and get to know your crew and form new lifelong friendships. xoxoxoxo

  18. Thank you for the comments. I have been sharing them with your children. There is a whole crew photo on the first day.

  19. Danielle D's mom says,

    Hey baby, I miss you so much, although it quieter around here. Sophie cried because you weren't there at night and anthony misses you dearly. Fran just thinks its a lot quieter, but still misses you also. I love you so much and It looks like your having so much fun, I can tell by the smile on you face (:
    Remember to keep your toes dry and your head warm. Looking forward to seeing you friday night for a big pasta dinner... meatballs will be awaiting and a big batch of brownies for desert. I love you
    -xoxo mom
